Friday, August 28, 2009

Out with the with the new.

Hello fellow bloggers! It's me...that one person who has a terrible habit of letting months go by without blogging. I am back! Along with a new vow to become a better blogger.

I am sitting here wondering what happened to the Fall season. It seems as though we totally skipped over the cool days of Fall and went straight to COLD days. Fall is my favorite season. I love the warmth of a bonfire after nearly freezing your ears off on a hayride.

A little update on my life... I am taking 13 hours at Ivy Tech this semester. I am currently working 3, no 4, different places. I still work at Ashford Place Health Campus part time as a cna and in the business office. I also just started at a retirement facility. I still sit with the elderly man a few days a week and babysit occasionally. Having several different jobs can make things a little more confusing than if I worked just one place. I am gotta do what you gotta do!

Unfortunately I have class in a few moments so I must say "goodbye" for now. Be safe, be courteous, be spontaneous!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay for an update! So proud of you ... and welcome back to the land of the blogging. I was hoping you were still alive and functioning (especially after that enormous amount of brownie and ice cream you consumed last week). :) Looking forward to the post about girl's night! Take a bunch of pictures, OK?

Looking forward to catching up again soon.

Love you a TON!
